I created my 30 b4 30 list back in October 2010, and now the count down is well and truly on! I have 9 left and less days to do them in! It's becoming apparent that there are 6 of these that are not going to happen now.... but I'm going to do my darnest to complete the other 4!!
3. Have guitar lessons
4. lose 30kg - Well I've let myself down on this one, but I will achieve it before I'm 40 lol
9. Dress up and go to the races - hat and all!! - Lost interest in this one, wasn't so important anymore.
12. Take the girls to Taronga Zoo - every time I planned to go, we would get asked to go and do something different. I don't think I can get this in before my Birthday now.
14. Complete my Pre-Req's and have started Diploma of Community Services Work - I gave up on this course - well really gave up on myself :(
15. Get my Tattoo's for my girls done - So expensive and I just haven't be able to save for it with everything we have been doing this year. But I will add this to my 40 before 40 list too!
19. See a sunset & sunrise in WA - Another expense we couldn't spare in this busy year, I'm hoping to put this on my 40 before 40 too.
21. Drink Absynth
22. Finish the sewing project I started 3 years ago
23. Have my girls enrolled and attending dance lessons again
29. Have people over for dinner at least once a month
Wow!! 20/30 Only 9 to go.... and I'm running out of time!! :o)))) 21/04/2012