The Melodies in My Madness...

My precious little family are the sun in my sky, the laughter behind my smile, my warmth in the cold and the light in those miserable dark tunnels I find myself in at times.... And for each of them I will be forever thankful, for they make my life truly blessed.

This is my Hubby ~ He came into my life at a very dark and difficult time for me and brightened my soul and coloured my days.... He is known to me as my Sunshine and if you were a fly on the wall you may just here me humming or singing to him ♫ ♫ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away ♫ ♫

Hubby proposed to me at my 21st Birthday dinner (2003), in a crowded room, with our family and friends present, down on one knee and tears in his eyes.... such a beautiful moment, a moment I didn't see coming and one I am so glad did :o)

On the 21st of May 2005 we were married on South Stradbroke Island at an Island Hideaway ~ the most beautiful and magical day of our lives at this stage. So perfect, so intimate, so blissful.... still makes my heart sing and brings tears to my eyes. I'll never forget our photographer telling us that she never cries at the weddings she works at, but she did at ours when we were doing our waltz :o) She also said that she can tell which marriages are meant to be and those that aren't & we definitely were... something she could possibly tell all newly weds, but it felt so special and so right...

Two days later, before we left for our Honeymoon in Fiji is believed to be when our Twins were conceived :o) 8 weeks after our Wedding is when we discovered I was pregnant..... with Twins!! I still remember like it was yesterday the way I felt hearing that news, the smile that never left my face for days and days and the nervous giggle I adopted that escaped my lips every single time  the word TWINS floated through my mind :o)

On the 9th February 2006 Moo & Boo were born at 2.05pm and 2.06pm by Emergency C-Section. The proudest most heart swelling moment of our lives, I never knew my heart could hold so much love, pride, joy and admiration....

Our beautiful daughters have given me soooo very much to live for, and through some very rough and dark moments are the very reason for my existence today. I am so blessed to have two very healthy, happy, kind, caring, funny, creative little girls. Life has held so much more meaning since they came into our lives and whilst we didn't reach our goals before falling pregnant and having our twins, we wouldn't have it any other way :o)
In 2008 our little family was about to expand as I was pregnant with another baby girl.... looking back now and seeing how tiny our twins were at the time it seems a little crazy, they were still 2 and tiny really..

On the 10th December 2008 after a very long and difficult labour then emergency C-Section that almost took my life, we were blessed with our Beautiful Loo. She has filled our lives and made our little family complete. The Twins became the most gorgeous and gentle big sisters and Joshy and I couldn't believe that together we had created not 1, not 2 but 3 absolutely beautiful darling daughters.

And whilst I sometimes (who am I kidding - often)
complain that these four gems in my life
add to the madness...

The very truth of the matter is...
❤ They are the magic ❤

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