Keeping tradition with my Conroy heritage Lilli's Birthday turned into an all weekend event :o) For lunch we had Poppy with Aunty Gab and Uncle Jack come over and join us for nibblies, sausage sizzle and cake. Moo, Boo & Loo love having the company of Aunty Gab and Uncle Jack!! They always have soooo much fun and all we can hear is laughter - I love it!!
Loo received a beautiful dress, a skirt and top set and Violet the Puppy (Leap Frog), she loved her Dora card just as much as she did the rest of the prezzie lol and was getting much better at ripping into her presents!!

After nap time our beautiful 2nd Family came to visit, we had a mini party and it was wonderful!! Loo was very lucky and got a beautiful Dora Dress picked out by MissE, and a gorgeous Fairies Tea set :o) Her card was absolutely adorable and took me back to my own childhood Birthdays & the Holly Hobby days.
I think everyone's favourite part of the evening was the CAKE! They all took turns at blowing the candles out and by the end Loo was fantastic at it :o) After the candles were done they all stood around me and picked at the smarties and icing... they were so adorable and funny to watch! I love when our two little families are together, there are always very special moments ❤