I found this over at Daisy, Roo and Two, I so often think and talk about all the things I hate about me, in the spirit of positive thinking I thought I would try and join in. So here goes....
I ❤ that I am on top of my Domestic Goddess game at the moment! I am flying through the washing and tidying and cleaning..... please leave your white gloves at home, my home is by no means perfect but pretty good on Moodi Mumma standards!!
I ❤ that I have been able to create not 1, not 2 but 3 beautiful little girls... with a little help from hubby of course ;o)
I ❤ that I am always seeking to better myself and my life for my little family and I
I ❤ that I am learning to love myself and look for the positives in life
I ❤ that I am kind, helpful and caring
I ❤ that I am beginning to believe in myself and am ready to prove to myself I'm worth the effort I always dedicate to everyone other than myself!
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