I am thankful for:
* Good Days :o) After a week or more of Bad Days that saw yet another Med increase :( It is really nice to be back to a good place.
* The HomeRoutine app on my iPhone! It is fantastic for implementing my Fly Lady Routine and keeping on top of it! I am loving how easy it is to "Fly" with the help from this application!
* The Shift Worker app on my iPhone! Our social calander is filling up rather nicely and I have been planning upcoming holidays and appointments. This application is making it so easy to find out which of Woodi's 3 shifts he will be on at any given time, which makes planning so much easier!! Goodbye to counting out the shifts on a calander :o))
* Wonderful, kind and generous friends :o) We have some wonderful people in our lives who are helping us out with our car situation/s at the moment, for them and all they do I am very Thankful xox
* Our wonderful neighbours and friends, we have been helping each other through several things lately and enjoying some fun social times.... we have some fun things in the works to that I'm looking forward to :o))
* Getting tickets to CMC Rocks the Hunter!!! Woop, woop!! We will be camping at the festival for three days and watching some amazing performances..... and all before my Birthday, meaning I can tick another of my 30 Before 30 list :o))
* Loo recovering from her bout of Potty & Toilet Phobia! She is back on the toilet training trail and has been nappy free (during the days) for a week now with only 2 accidents!! I am so thankful and proud!!
* The wonderful news I received today but am unable to share just yet..... hopefully soon though.
* A wonderful small school with fantastic teachers and having a great relationship with those teachers! Boo's Teacher MissC took me back to their room yesterday after school to have a word with me. Boo was on the Smart Board the other day writing a sentence about their day. When Bella only wrote one word and seemed frustrated MissC took her aside and asked what was wrong. Boo said that the words on the screen were 'glowing' and 'moving'. MissC immediately tried looking for the source of the problem, eliminating light reflections etc and tested Boo with a book. Boo told her that she hasn't had it happen with a book before, only on the Smart Board. So thank you to MissC we now have Boo booked into the optometrist (along with myself and the other 2 girls) to try and solve her vision troubles with the Smart Board.
So what are you Thankful for this week? Head on over to Kate Says Stuff to link up and let us know xox