Tuesday, September 6, 2011

For crying out loud! SIT DOWN!

It was Father's Day on Sunday, a day that used to be one of my least favorite... having to spend the day away from the one man who has always been a father to me to celebrate the one man who has never known how.

But since marrying this amazing husband of mine and him providing me with the 3 most precious gifts in my life (other than himself), Fathers Day has a new and wonderful place in my life.... To celebrate the man who gave me my 3 gorgeous girls and is the BEST father possible to them all. He is such an amazing Dad and my girls are extremely blessed to have such a happy, funny, loving, caring, hands on dad.

So the girls wake up and I spring out of bed (not something I do on a weekend lol) eager to give this wonder dad a sleep in and breakfast in bed. Despite my best efforts to keep his 3 excited cherubs out of our room and waking him up.... they manage to do just that. I'm up to my elbows in dishes from our dinner guests the night before and out comes hubby and grabs a tea towel!!! "Uh-uh" I tell him, "it's Fathers Day!! Go and lay down". He argues with me that he feels bad and he should have done them the night before yadda, yadda and I tell him it doesn't bother me at all - It's Fathers Day!

Moo starts telling him he isn't allowed to do ANYTHING because it's Fathers Day and that means he has to sit down and let Mummy do it - You go Moo! And then Boo pipes up with well it's Fathers Day and that means Daddy gets to do WHATEVER he wants to and proceeds to tell him he can do the dishes if he wants to - he of course gives Boo a high 5! What is wrong with this man?? It's Fathers Day, he gets to lay in bed and get breakky and gifts brought in to him - "Go and sit down!!!"

I get through the dishes and start making him a big breakky with hash browns and all, Loo decides she needs to go potty. I practically have to bowl Woodi over to stop him from taking her!! "Sit down, I can do it! It's Fathers Day!!" I get back in the kitchen and he is standing there tea towel in hand like a dear in the headlights!! "For crying out loud, will you go and SIT DOWN!!!". I manage to side track him by telling the girls (who are absolutely hanging) they can give daddy his gifts :o) It was perfect, just as he had finished unwrapping I had his big Breakky ready!

This husband of mine is an amazing partner in life and a wonderful father, but he just doesn't know how to sit down and be pampered, never thought I would complain about him being so damn helpful! We had a few more struggles over him letting me do things for him, but as the day went on and we were out for a family BBQ where the beers were flowing it became easier :o)

It was a beautiful day, well spent with great company and yummy food! I hope all the other wonderful Dad's out there had a Fathers Day they deserve.

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