Friday, March 21, 2014

Meet Stuart Little.....

Image borrowed from here
We began the process to become a Foster Family in early 2013. Before we were fully accredited we were asked to consider taking on a little 2yo Boy that would be with us until the age of 18. This was a huge decision as we were only just finishing up training and thought that we would start off with Short Term placements, as is the normal introduction to Fostering. We knew though that our plans  were to eventually do Long Term care and decided that we would just take the leap!

In August 2013 we met the most gorgeous blue eyed, blonde haired, glasses wearing, pocket rocket of a little boy. After a process of getting to know him and he our family, he came to live with us in September 2013 and has since been lovingly dubbed a mini George Little from the Stuart Little movie. And so for the purpose of my blog I will refer to my little man as SL = Stuart Little.

Mumma loves you baby boy, we are so blessed to have you as a part of our family xox
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