A couple of Christmases ago when our Family Christmas traditions had all changed and my little family was threatened with not getting to experience them, an online reader suggested that we start making our own. She listed some of the little traditions that make Christmas and other times of the year special for her family. Inspired I went searching online for "Family Tradition Ideas", and came away with a list of ideas that I wanted to implement for my little Family.
One of these ideas was on the last day of school each year to have a water fight when the kids get home from school. Yesterday was our first time to implement it, and we were so excited to surprise the kidlets!
Woodi and I bought 5 water pistols, filled them up and had a bucket of ammunition - water for refills - at the ready.
We filled another bucket with water bombs, all ready to go...
When Woodi brought the girls home he told them to put their school bags down, and go straight out the back "Mumma needs your help with something!". I of course was hiding James Bond style and took sneaky shots at them, screaming "Happy Last Day of School!" :o) They were shocked and surprised and quickly cottoned on to what was in store for them!
MissC from next door popped her head over the fence to see what all the commotion was and we invited her to join in. Many Pistol refills and two buckets of water bombs later, we were all wet and filled with laughter and smiles, and the back yard looked like it had been scattered with confetti!
We had soo much fun that we forgot the time and ended up running late to a party! This is definitely a tradition that will continue in our home and will be fun for all the ages, Woodi is even talking about having super soakers next year!! I can't believe that a whole year of schooling has come and gone!
Happy end of Kindy Moo and Boo, Mumma loves you lots and lots xoxo
What fun traditions do your family have???
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Last Day of school celebrations ~ memories in the making
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Kindergarten Report Cards
As mothers/parents we are constantly under the eagle eyes of our community and peers. Our actions, lack of them and the decisions we make are under scrutiny and judgement and often by those who are closest to us.
My decision to send my girls to Kindergarten when they turned 5 in the first week of school was met mostly with support but did provide me with a few scowls and negative comments.... such as "What's the point in being a parent if you're just going to send them off to school the 1st chance you get" and "I think it's too early to be sending them to school, I won't be sending my daughter until later - when she's ready" etc, etc.
Honestly it all comes down to personal preference and the individual child. In my case I felt my girls were ready and they were soo excited to be starting school! They had been to pre-school, where through-out the year I discussed my own concerns in regards to sending them too early and perhaps holding them back a year. All through the year the twins teachers gave me the same feedback - My girls were socially and emotionally developed and ready for school and their skill levels, maturity and intelligence were matched with all the other students in their pre-school & that there would be no benefit in holding them back a year.
On the orientation day last year for Primary School, I was given the opportunity to have a one on one with the Kindy teacher both before and after to voice concerns and receive feedback. She was thrilled with the girls and said that their age was not an issue and that they were developmentally and emotionally ready to be starting school.
It was with this information that I made my decision to send the twins to school this year. And wow am I glad I did!! The reports that the girls received at half year were fantastic and the feedback received from the teachers at parent- teacher interviews and at other opportunities throughout the year have blown me away!
But nothing prepared me for how incredible the girls yearly report cards would be! The girls have flown through all areas of their schooling, and have exceeded the "required knowledge levels" for most areas of kindergarten study. They are commended on what wonderful people they are within the schooling community and spoken highly of by both of their teachers. These reports brought tears to my eyes and an overwhelming sense of pride to our family!
I'm glad that in the face of negativity and peer pressure I didn't fold, I reviewed all aspects of my decision and went with what felt right for me and my children, now we are all benefiting from the positive outcomes of that decision.
My decision to send my girls to Kindergarten when they turned 5 in the first week of school was met mostly with support but did provide me with a few scowls and negative comments.... such as "What's the point in being a parent if you're just going to send them off to school the 1st chance you get" and "I think it's too early to be sending them to school, I won't be sending my daughter until later - when she's ready" etc, etc.
Honestly it all comes down to personal preference and the individual child. In my case I felt my girls were ready and they were soo excited to be starting school! They had been to pre-school, where through-out the year I discussed my own concerns in regards to sending them too early and perhaps holding them back a year. All through the year the twins teachers gave me the same feedback - My girls were socially and emotionally developed and ready for school and their skill levels, maturity and intelligence were matched with all the other students in their pre-school & that there would be no benefit in holding them back a year.
On the orientation day last year for Primary School, I was given the opportunity to have a one on one with the Kindy teacher both before and after to voice concerns and receive feedback. She was thrilled with the girls and said that their age was not an issue and that they were developmentally and emotionally ready to be starting school.
It was with this information that I made my decision to send the twins to school this year. And wow am I glad I did!! The reports that the girls received at half year were fantastic and the feedback received from the teachers at parent- teacher interviews and at other opportunities throughout the year have blown me away!
![]() |
Moo & Boo 1st Day of Kindy |
But nothing prepared me for how incredible the girls yearly report cards would be! The girls have flown through all areas of their schooling, and have exceeded the "required knowledge levels" for most areas of kindergarten study. They are commended on what wonderful people they are within the schooling community and spoken highly of by both of their teachers. These reports brought tears to my eyes and an overwhelming sense of pride to our family!
I'm glad that in the face of negativity and peer pressure I didn't fold, I reviewed all aspects of my decision and went with what felt right for me and my children, now we are all benefiting from the positive outcomes of that decision.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Woodi's Work Xmas Party :o)
We are part of Woodi's work social group and the main event of the year is the Social Christmas Party. This year was held at Dizzyland. The kids eyes lit up as soon as we pulled into the carpark and then the squeals of delight and excitement started!!
I however, whilst loving the kids excitement and enthusiasm, was a little less thrilled at the sight of all the really old rides that looked like they had been removed from the carnival scene for being too old..... a century or two ago! The carny staff also looked less than friendly and enthusiastic!
Despite my hesitations though, the day was wonderful and the kids had a blast! They loved the rides and went on all of them (that were running) at least two or three times through out the day. My favourite being when our little family all boarded the dodgem cars with the girls at the steering wheel.... there was heaps of crashing and laughter :o)
It's great catching up each year with the wives and families from Woodi's workplace, and sharing such a special day together. The kids get Lollybags, and we all get a BBQ lunch, drinks, ice-creams, tokens for the clowns and carnival games. After lunch there was a dance party that was followed by the arrival of Santa with a sleigh of presents.
Loo received an electric guitar with a microphone headset for singing, the box was so big that Boo got up and helped her carry it back to Mum and Dad :o)
Boo had a little chat with Santa, got to ring his Bell and received a Zhu Zhu Pet named Bamboo with an Ice Cream Truck for it to drive.
Moo got cuddles with Santa and got to ring his bell too! Moo received a Zhu Zhu Puppy with a Chinese Take-away cart for it to pull!
The girls loved their presents and it was a great day had by all!!
I however, whilst loving the kids excitement and enthusiasm, was a little less thrilled at the sight of all the really old rides that looked like they had been removed from the carnival scene for being too old..... a century or two ago! The carny staff also looked less than friendly and enthusiastic!
Despite my hesitations though, the day was wonderful and the kids had a blast! They loved the rides and went on all of them (that were running) at least two or three times through out the day. My favourite being when our little family all boarded the dodgem cars with the girls at the steering wheel.... there was heaps of crashing and laughter :o)
It's great catching up each year with the wives and families from Woodi's workplace, and sharing such a special day together. The kids get Lollybags, and we all get a BBQ lunch, drinks, ice-creams, tokens for the clowns and carnival games. After lunch there was a dance party that was followed by the arrival of Santa with a sleigh of presents.
Loo received an electric guitar with a microphone headset for singing, the box was so big that Boo got up and helped her carry it back to Mum and Dad :o)
Boo had a little chat with Santa, got to ring his Bell and received a Zhu Zhu Pet named Bamboo with an Ice Cream Truck for it to drive.
Moo got cuddles with Santa and got to ring his bell too! Moo received a Zhu Zhu Puppy with a Chinese Take-away cart for it to pull!
The girls loved their presents and it was a great day had by all!!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Loo turns 3!!
My Baby girl is certainly not a baby anymore.... she is growing up so fast and I can't believe 3 years have passed!! I can still remember my pregnancy, the many trips to the hospital, her birth - a near death experience - as though it were only yesterday. And although it were all very painful, scary and stressful I would endure it all again for the gift I have been given in Loo.
This cheeky little possum has filled all our lives and completed our little family beautifully. Her Big sissy's adore her as do Woodi and I, to be truthful she has all of us wrapped around her little fingers and I don't think any of us would have it any other way :o)
We started the morning all piled in our bed singing "Happy Birthday" to Loo. We then got up and watched as Loo opened her gifts from us, with help from Moo & Boo who also read her cards out to her :o)
The girls spent the day playing with the new toys, while Woodi and I spent the day preparing for Loo's B'Day BBQ. We were watching the weather change from bad, to worse, to good and iffy and decided to cancel our original plan for a BBQ at the park to having at home, because we just couldn't trust the weather.
Of course by the time our guests arrived the weather was park perfect, which worked out well anyway as we weren't all crammed on our little deck. The BBQ for Loo was lovely shared with family and friends who made the day so special for all involved, it turned out perfect despite the change in plans :o)
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet Loo, Love Mumma xoxo
This cheeky little possum has filled all our lives and completed our little family beautifully. Her Big sissy's adore her as do Woodi and I, to be truthful she has all of us wrapped around her little fingers and I don't think any of us would have it any other way :o)
We started the morning all piled in our bed singing "Happy Birthday" to Loo. We then got up and watched as Loo opened her gifts from us, with help from Moo & Boo who also read her cards out to her :o)
The girls spent the day playing with the new toys, while Woodi and I spent the day preparing for Loo's B'Day BBQ. We were watching the weather change from bad, to worse, to good and iffy and decided to cancel our original plan for a BBQ at the park to having at home, because we just couldn't trust the weather.
Of course by the time our guests arrived the weather was park perfect, which worked out well anyway as we weren't all crammed on our little deck. The BBQ for Loo was lovely shared with family and friends who made the day so special for all involved, it turned out perfect despite the change in plans :o)
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet Loo, Love Mumma xoxo
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Letter to Grandma
On Saturday just gone my Grandmother lost her fight against bone cancer. I can't believe she fought so hard for so long. We attended her funeral yesterday and I read her this letter:
When I think of you, I think of dresses you sewed for me when I was a little girl. I think of asking you to teach me to knit, and you patiently trying to do so. I then think of you finding a new craft to teach me better suited to my skill level– tying pre cut strands of material onto a wire hanger, and I think of the pride I felt at being able to do and complete something with and for you.
Thinking of you I am reminded of “kids” wine at Christmas, puddings with lucky coins inside and little knives and forks for Sean and I. I have flash backs of sitting in the kitchen playing UNO with you and Sean & how you would call every card that wasn't a number card a “horrible” or “nasty” card.
When I think of you Grandma I think of Pots of tea, and dinners that smell like no other dinners have or ever will. I think of hours of sitting at the dining table with you & pop polishing that ever growing spoon collection. I remember how much I loved sitting with you both, feeling a part of something, feeling important, loved, needed and included. To many people that would probably sound silly, but I hope you know Grandma just how important that was to me, just how special you and pop made me feel when you were on the phone to Dad & would tell me you would be needing my help soon to make those spoons shine. I hope you know how wonderful and exciting it was to sit & listen to you and Pop share the memories and travels those spoons held for you both, that the time I got to spend with you was more important to me than the pocket money you insisted on giving me for my efforts.
When I think of you Grandma I remember you crying at the reading Dad did at my wedding, that was inspired by your own love and marriage. I think of you meeting my twin babies Maddi and Bella for the first time and watching you instantly fall in love, and again when you were wheeled into the hospital to visit me and meet our youngest Lilli. I think of the beautiful smile on your face when my girls would kiss and cuddle you and perform what they had learnt at school, and how you would always shower them with praise.
Out of all the memories I have of you grandma, the thing I remember most of all is the way you took Mum, Sean and I into your family and into your heart. I remember how beautiful it felt when you told me I could call Pop, Pop and you Grandma, and how funny I thought it was when you told me, “not Nan or Nanna I don't like that”. That may have been the day I decided that I too would be called Grandma when my time came.
I've known from the beginning that life would have been very different had your arms and hearts not been open to us & I can never thank you enough for loving me as your own, and more recently my children as your Great Grand- children.
The last memories I take of you Grandma are of you sharing memories of your own childhood with us, of you telling my husband & I how much you love us and how you shared the secrets of a happy and long lasting marriage. I take the beauty of watching you tap along to my girls performing for you and you telling them they are your 3 darling girls. And Grandma in my last visits with you I will cherish our words of love shared.
Grandma when I think of you, I think:
Family and Beauty.
I love you Grandma & I will miss you dearly, but I find comfort you are once again in your darlings arms. Give Pop an extra hug and kiss for me.
Love Always, Traci xoxoxo
Reading this out was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I was able to get all the way through it and feel so much better knowing I did that for her.
Rest In Peace Gran, I love you xoxo
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wordless Wednesday ~ Grandparents 50th Anniversary~
Posted by
Moodi Mumma
10:15 PM
Wordless Wednesday ~ Grandparents 50th Anniversary~
Moodi Mumma
50th Anniversary|Grandma and Grandad|

50th Anniversary,
Grandma and Grandad
Monday, September 26, 2011
Loo is out of Nappies!!
So here I was stressing that my little Loo, who has only recently decided to start potty training again would struggle with the trip to the Gold Coast. I battled with the idea of keeping her nappy free for the trip and having accidents that may cause her to regress, or putting her in a nappy which could have the same result. I chose to attempt nappy free and am so glad I did! Not only did she make the trip accident free, but she woke every morning we were in QLD with a dry nappy!
Since we have been home I kept her in a night nappy for 5 more nights, each one dry! I am absolutely stoked! I was so worried when she went backwards in her training to begin with and was beginning to wonder when she would be ready to try again. Well she knew when she was ready and has been successful since :)
Proud of you Loo xoxo
Since we have been home I kept her in a night nappy for 5 more nights, each one dry! I am absolutely stoked! I was so worried when she went backwards in her training to begin with and was beginning to wonder when she would be ready to try again. Well she knew when she was ready and has been successful since :)
Proud of you Loo xoxo
Posted by
Moodi Mumma
9:31 PM
Loo is out of Nappies!!
Moodi Mumma
Loo|Toilet training|

Toilet training
Friday, September 16, 2011
We had a blast...
Our trip to the Gold Coast with our Neighbours was fantastic! We had a slow start, Woodi, the kids and I are quite used to the trek to the Gold Coast and usually achieve the trip in 8hrs.... This time however the trip was a bit longer taking 11.5 hours, which I guess is to be expected traveling with a family that also have 3 kids that aren't used to the trek. I'm proud to say that Loo made the (extended) trip nappy and accident free, I was stressing for no reason :)
It was great catching up with our Gold Coast Family and the kids are always so excited to see each other and to get big hugs and kisses off Nanna, Poppy and their Aunties and Uncles. As always we sat up for hours chatting, catching up and having a good laugh.
The next day we went & joined our neighbours and spent the day at Seaworld, despite the disappointment of half the park being closed for maintenance we had a great day! The kids paired up, stuck together and behaved so well. The shows were fun and interesting as always, the weather fantastic and the company even better.
Our next day was a day of relaxation spent around the pool at the neighbours holiday complex, the weather was beautiful and the pool was heated! Friends, drinks, swimming, BBQ, fun and sunshine, you couldn't ask for a better day!!
For our 3rd day we once again joined our neighbours and went to Movie World. It was another a fabulous day with so much more for the kids to do and they had an absolute ball!! I was so proud of all six girls, they paired up again and were beautifully behaved. It was so much fun watching their faces on the rides and during the many shows and performances.
We spent the rest of the week catching up with our Qld family and getting to know it's newest member - our little nephew Lachy :)
It was great catching up with our Gold Coast Family and the kids are always so excited to see each other and to get big hugs and kisses off Nanna, Poppy and their Aunties and Uncles. As always we sat up for hours chatting, catching up and having a good laugh.
The next day we went & joined our neighbours and spent the day at Seaworld, despite the disappointment of half the park being closed for maintenance we had a great day! The kids paired up, stuck together and behaved so well. The shows were fun and interesting as always, the weather fantastic and the company even better.
Our next day was a day of relaxation spent around the pool at the neighbours holiday complex, the weather was beautiful and the pool was heated! Friends, drinks, swimming, BBQ, fun and sunshine, you couldn't ask for a better day!!
For our 3rd day we once again joined our neighbours and went to Movie World. It was another a fabulous day with so much more for the kids to do and they had an absolute ball!! I was so proud of all six girls, they paired up again and were beautifully behaved. It was so much fun watching their faces on the rides and during the many shows and performances.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
We're off to the Gold Coast
Images from www.myfun.com.au |
We leave at 4am in the morning..... provided the neighbors and our little family get out of bed and in the car on time, a mission for all of us! Our plan is to put the girls in the car in their Pj's with our fingers crossed they will go back to sleep (don't know who I'm trying to kid) and then we will have our first stop for breakky around 7.30. We were going to buy like we always do on our road trips to QLD but I decided to pack some cereal, buy some disposable bowls and spoons and a small carton of milk that will fit in our little car fridge/esky. I have bought some grapes, muesli bars, chips, lollies, poppers, cans of drink and some rolls for when we stop for lunch. Hopefully I have the food for travel covered and have saved us a considerable amount of money!
I am almost packed (one of my least favorite jobs), the kids bags are in the car and I have their Pj's and change of clothes ready. I am just waiting for a load of washing to dry to finish off packing my clothes, as usual Woodi has left his packing for when he gets home from work tonight because it only ever takes him 5 minutes with very little thought or effort - the complete opposite to me!!
This will be the first time in years we are driving to the Gold Coast during the day, we usually leave late afternoon so that the girls will sleep most of the way. I am hoping that the assortment of DVD's, the girls travel activity packs and the food will make the trip a relatively smooth one. I'm a bit undecided as to what to do with Loo and her potty training. She has been doing fantastic with no accidents for about a month now, and I'm wondering how much of a challenge the trip will be for her. I don't want to put a nappy on her and the potty training go backward. But I also don't want her to be devastated over any accidents, especially if the urge comes at a time we are unable to pull over.... I guess all we can do is give it a go and we'll know for the way home whether a nappy will be needed or not. one of those Huggies disposable change mats would be real handy right now!
For Woodi and I, I have made several MP3 Cd's for the car, one is music we both enjoy, one with Josh's music and one with mine - you know the one you put on when he is sleeping so he doesn't have to put up with it and vice versa. My sister in-laws always like my travel CD's and usually copy or keep them, so it's always a fun challenge to make them with music that I think is new for them or that they will like, we'll see how I did when we get up there. Well I'm planning on taking lots of photos and having lots of fun so I can post it all here.... So excited, wish I could click my fingers and be on our way with everything successfully packed and a nice clean house to come back to!
Images from www.myfun.com.au
Posted by
Moodi Mumma
5:19 PM
We're off to the Gold Coast
Moodi Mumma
Gold Coast|Holiday|Neighbours|Packing|Theme Parks|

Gold Coast,
Theme Parks
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
For crying out loud! SIT DOWN!
It was Father's Day on Sunday, a day that used to be one of my least favorite... having to spend the day away from the one man who has always been a father to me to celebrate the one man who has never known how.
But since marrying this amazing husband of mine and him providing me with the 3 most precious gifts in my life (other than himself), Fathers Day has a new and wonderful place in my life.... To celebrate the man who gave me my 3 gorgeous girls and is the BEST father possible to them all. He is such an amazing Dad and my girls are extremely blessed to have such a happy, funny, loving, caring, hands on dad.
So the girls wake up and I spring out of bed (not something I do on a weekend lol) eager to give this wonder dad a sleep in and breakfast in bed. Despite my best efforts to keep his 3 excited cherubs out of our room and waking him up.... they manage to do just that. I'm up to my elbows in dishes from our dinner guests the night before and out comes hubby and grabs a tea towel!!! "Uh-uh" I tell him, "it's Fathers Day!! Go and lay down". He argues with me that he feels bad and he should have done them the night before yadda, yadda and I tell him it doesn't bother me at all - It's Fathers Day!
Moo starts telling him he isn't allowed to do ANYTHING because it's Fathers Day and that means he has to sit down and let Mummy do it - You go Moo! And then Boo pipes up with well it's Fathers Day and that means Daddy gets to do WHATEVER he wants to and proceeds to tell him he can do the dishes if he wants to - he of course gives Boo a high 5! What is wrong with this man?? It's Fathers Day, he gets to lay in bed and get breakky and gifts brought in to him - "Go and sit down!!!"
I get through the dishes and start making him a big breakky with hash browns and all, Loo decides she needs to go potty. I practically have to bowl Woodi over to stop him from taking her!! "Sit down, I can do it! It's Fathers Day!!" I get back in the kitchen and he is standing there tea towel in hand like a dear in the headlights!! "For crying out loud, will you go and SIT DOWN!!!". I manage to side track him by telling the girls (who are absolutely hanging) they can give daddy his gifts :o) It was perfect, just as he had finished unwrapping I had his big Breakky ready!
This husband of mine is an amazing partner in life and a wonderful father, but he just doesn't know how to sit down and be pampered, never thought I would complain about him being so damn helpful! We had a few more struggles over him letting me do things for him, but as the day went on and we were out for a family BBQ where the beers were flowing it became easier :o)
It was a beautiful day, well spent with great company and yummy food! I hope all the other wonderful Dad's out there had a Fathers Day they deserve.
But since marrying this amazing husband of mine and him providing me with the 3 most precious gifts in my life (other than himself), Fathers Day has a new and wonderful place in my life.... To celebrate the man who gave me my 3 gorgeous girls and is the BEST father possible to them all. He is such an amazing Dad and my girls are extremely blessed to have such a happy, funny, loving, caring, hands on dad.
So the girls wake up and I spring out of bed (not something I do on a weekend lol) eager to give this wonder dad a sleep in and breakfast in bed. Despite my best efforts to keep his 3 excited cherubs out of our room and waking him up.... they manage to do just that. I'm up to my elbows in dishes from our dinner guests the night before and out comes hubby and grabs a tea towel!!! "Uh-uh" I tell him, "it's Fathers Day!! Go and lay down". He argues with me that he feels bad and he should have done them the night before yadda, yadda and I tell him it doesn't bother me at all - It's Fathers Day!
Moo starts telling him he isn't allowed to do ANYTHING because it's Fathers Day and that means he has to sit down and let Mummy do it - You go Moo! And then Boo pipes up with well it's Fathers Day and that means Daddy gets to do WHATEVER he wants to and proceeds to tell him he can do the dishes if he wants to - he of course gives Boo a high 5! What is wrong with this man?? It's Fathers Day, he gets to lay in bed and get breakky and gifts brought in to him - "Go and sit down!!!"
I get through the dishes and start making him a big breakky with hash browns and all, Loo decides she needs to go potty. I practically have to bowl Woodi over to stop him from taking her!! "Sit down, I can do it! It's Fathers Day!!" I get back in the kitchen and he is standing there tea towel in hand like a dear in the headlights!! "For crying out loud, will you go and SIT DOWN!!!". I manage to side track him by telling the girls (who are absolutely hanging) they can give daddy his gifts :o) It was perfect, just as he had finished unwrapping I had his big Breakky ready!
This husband of mine is an amazing partner in life and a wonderful father, but he just doesn't know how to sit down and be pampered, never thought I would complain about him being so damn helpful! We had a few more struggles over him letting me do things for him, but as the day went on and we were out for a family BBQ where the beers were flowing it became easier :o)
It was a beautiful day, well spent with great company and yummy food! I hope all the other wonderful Dad's out there had a Fathers Day they deserve.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Spring is in the Hair
I have been wanting to get my hair done for ages!!! I can't remember the last time I went to the hairdressers..... I think it was when I went to visit family in QLD last, which was this time last year! I always plan to go and budget for it and then something comes up and out the window it goes!!
Well I finally got there!! I took my print outs of style and colour I had been looking at and discussed them with the hairdresser I was assigned and I am stoked!! It was so nice to go to a salon I have never been to before and be happy with the hairdresser, my hair and the whole experience!!
The whole team was lovely, they couldn't believe how much hair I have - it's really thick but doesn't really look it! After my (1st) cut and the swept my hair into a pile it looked like enough to make a wig..... or two! Having my hair so short and light is such an amazingly freeing experience. It is so weird running my fingers through it, it feels like there's nothing really there! When it came time to colour we were a little nervous about the results because I had been dying at home using packets from the supermarket.... but hadn't done so for the last 3 months or more so I had a huge regrowth section, which makes it hard for the colour to come out even all over.
I went from being a blackish red all over to getting a full head of foils all over and my regrowth coloured to match the rest of my hair. Once it was washed, dried then straightened it was cut again & the length went from below my shoulder blades to above my shoulders - A huge change!! And all the ladies working there were so kind and excited about the whole experience for me and loved the outcome as much as I did!!
It was so nice to spend the morning being pampered, reading magazines, having m hair played with - which I LOVE, getting m hair washed, treated and a head massage all while laying on a comfy massage lounge that also gives out heat..... I am definitely going to try my best to keep my appointment in six weeks time mmmmm!
So I am light and fresh just like spring :o)
Here is a photo, not the greatest shot! I will have to post another when I am all dolled up and have spent an hour styling it lol
Well I finally got there!! I took my print outs of style and colour I had been looking at and discussed them with the hairdresser I was assigned and I am stoked!! It was so nice to go to a salon I have never been to before and be happy with the hairdresser, my hair and the whole experience!!
The whole team was lovely, they couldn't believe how much hair I have - it's really thick but doesn't really look it! After my (1st) cut and the swept my hair into a pile it looked like enough to make a wig..... or two! Having my hair so short and light is such an amazingly freeing experience. It is so weird running my fingers through it, it feels like there's nothing really there! When it came time to colour we were a little nervous about the results because I had been dying at home using packets from the supermarket.... but hadn't done so for the last 3 months or more so I had a huge regrowth section, which makes it hard for the colour to come out even all over.
I went from being a blackish red all over to getting a full head of foils all over and my regrowth coloured to match the rest of my hair. Once it was washed, dried then straightened it was cut again & the length went from below my shoulder blades to above my shoulders - A huge change!! And all the ladies working there were so kind and excited about the whole experience for me and loved the outcome as much as I did!!
It was so nice to spend the morning being pampered, reading magazines, having m hair played with - which I LOVE, getting m hair washed, treated and a head massage all while laying on a comfy massage lounge that also gives out heat..... I am definitely going to try my best to keep my appointment in six weeks time mmmmm!
So I am light and fresh just like spring :o)
Here is a photo, not the greatest shot! I will have to post another when I am all dolled up and have spent an hour styling it lol
Dear Blogger
When I chose to end a friendship with someone in "real" life for very "real" reasons, things turned very sour. This friend was also involved in all of the above and it turned from something we enjoyed sharing to something that started being used as a weapon. A means of attacking me, spreading lies and turning a private, personal and painful experience into a public slamming. I did my best not to retaliate or turn my blog into a playground for counter attacks, I didn't even bother to defend myself against the cruel lies, or snide comments on other blogs aimed at me. I tried not to let myself be bothered by the comments and support this person was receiving for my false crimes.... but it did bother me because these people were my online friends too, people I had grown to like, respect and admire. And although I didn't know these people personally or in "real" life, it still hurt, because through blogging and the sharing of our lives it feels as though we do know them.
My blog soon came to feel not "real", the things I wrote weren't in any way fake..... but I felt I wasn't able to write about all the things I was feeling and experiencing and wanted to write about. The appeal of blogging and sharing photo's and statuses about my life just disappeared. The thought of someone reading about the things our family are doing, planning to do, and going through and using that against me just became too much. So I stopped. I am hoping that it has been long enough for the interest to have faded away, for this sticky chapter to be over and for me to be able to blog as I feel and experience.
For now I will be focusing on blogging about my family and our life without worrying about what any audience may think, just doing this for myself. Hopefully I will get back into the things I love (reading other blogs, commenting, participating in my fave link-ups, using my blog's facebook page and interacting again) in the not too distant future.
Love Moodi Mumma xoxo
Friday, August 19, 2011
Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...
Yay it's Friday and time for Things I know!! I missed it last week and am glad to be back!!
This week I know:
* At this moment I am supposed to be showered, getting dressed, jumping in the car and meeting my hubby at a friends place to pick him up and get some shopping done as I will be car-less from 1pm
* The above is less important than making sure I don't miss my Things I know post this week..... not sure Woodi will agree :o)
* Waking up one morning and finding wrinkles have crept in and must be dealt with IMMEDIATELY has lead to the realisation that just cleansing morning and night isn't enough.....
* The above has also led to numerous deliveries from Mr Postman and a new morning and night regime`
* It is difficult getting used to putting effort into your own appearance when all your time goes into your kids and a beauty regime` was thought to be something for models, celebrities and older (yes I'm in denial about my aging) women.
* News from my Brother in QLD has me wanting to move back..... like yesterday!
So what do you know today..... other than if I don't move my butt I'm going to have one crank hubby on my hands??
This week I know:
* At this moment I am supposed to be showered, getting dressed, jumping in the car and meeting my hubby at a friends place to pick him up and get some shopping done as I will be car-less from 1pm
* The above is less important than making sure I don't miss my Things I know post this week..... not sure Woodi will agree :o)
* Waking up one morning and finding wrinkles have crept in and must be dealt with IMMEDIATELY has lead to the realisation that just cleansing morning and night isn't enough.....
* The above has also led to numerous deliveries from Mr Postman and a new morning and night regime`
* It is difficult getting used to putting effort into your own appearance when all your time goes into your kids and a beauty regime` was thought to be something for models, celebrities and older (yes I'm in denial about my aging) women.
* News from my Brother in QLD has me wanting to move back..... like yesterday!
So what do you know today..... other than if I don't move my butt I'm going to have one crank hubby on my hands??
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thankful Thursday with Kate says stuff :o)
I am thankful for:
* Good Days :o) After a week or more of Bad Days that saw yet another Med increase :( It is really nice to be back to a good place.
* The HomeRoutine app on my iPhone! It is fantastic for implementing my Fly Lady Routine and keeping on top of it! I am loving how easy it is to "Fly" with the help from this application!
* The Shift Worker app on my iPhone! Our social calander is filling up rather nicely and I have been planning upcoming holidays and appointments. This application is making it so easy to find out which of Woodi's 3 shifts he will be on at any given time, which makes planning so much easier!! Goodbye to counting out the shifts on a calander :o))
* Wonderful, kind and generous friends :o) We have some wonderful people in our lives who are helping us out with our car situation/s at the moment, for them and all they do I am very Thankful xox
* Our wonderful neighbours and friends, we have been helping each other through several things lately and enjoying some fun social times.... we have some fun things in the works to that I'm looking forward to :o))
* Getting tickets to CMC Rocks the Hunter!!! Woop, woop!! We will be camping at the festival for three days and watching some amazing performances..... and all before my Birthday, meaning I can tick another of my 30 Before 30 list :o))
* Loo recovering from her bout of Potty & Toilet Phobia! She is back on the toilet training trail and has been nappy free (during the days) for a week now with only 2 accidents!! I am so thankful and proud!!
* The wonderful news I received today but am unable to share just yet..... hopefully soon though.
* A wonderful small school with fantastic teachers and having a great relationship with those teachers! Boo's Teacher MissC took me back to their room yesterday after school to have a word with me. Boo was on the Smart Board the other day writing a sentence about their day. When Bella only wrote one word and seemed frustrated MissC took her aside and asked what was wrong. Boo said that the words on the screen were 'glowing' and 'moving'. MissC immediately tried looking for the source of the problem, eliminating light reflections etc and tested Boo with a book. Boo told her that she hasn't had it happen with a book before, only on the Smart Board. So thank you to MissC we now have Boo booked into the optometrist (along with myself and the other 2 girls) to try and solve her vision troubles with the Smart Board.
So what are you Thankful for this week? Head on over to Kate Says Stuff to link up and let us know xox
Posted by
Moodi Mumma
1:49 PM
Thankful Thursday with Kate says stuff :o)
Moodi Mumma
CMC|Friends|iPhone|Neighbours|Potty|Thankful Thursday|

Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wordless Wednesday with My Little Drummer Boys
It's Wednesday!! That means it's time to link up with the Lovely Trish at My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday :o)
Hunter Valley Commodore Cruise for Charity - Jeans for Genes Day
Happy Wordless Wednesday xox
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