Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grateful for..... brought to us by Maxabella loves

Another wonderful day, another link up I love!! It's time for Maxabella loves Grateful for :o)

One thing about being grateful, is the more you think about it, the more you have to be grateful for! So many simple things we take for granted in our everyday lives are a blessing that so many others are not fortunate enough to have. Once you get started it is so easy and lovely to see the many little things you have to be thankful for and that little bit easier to overlook the things in our life that trouble us :o)

This week I am Grateful for:

* Every time my "Y" key works when typing :o)

* Every time I spot my "Y" key hasn't worked before submitting a post or hitting enter on a tweet etc!

* Strong will, setting a goal for myself and sticking to it thus far!

* People who know there are two sides of every story and things should never be taken by face value...Thank you!!

* The way Woodi and I stick together and work through our difficult times and always find a way to pull through. I couldn't ask for a better partner in life, love you babe xoxo

* My amazingly loving family - I know I keep going here, but I will never be able to say Thank you enough for the people I am blessed to have in my life

* The wonderful, amazing, strong, caring and supportive ladies I have had the pleasure of getting to know through my blog, their blogs & photos and chatting to

* That the weekend is here..... LOVE m weekends with all my little famil home together xox <<< a typical sentence with my temperamental "Y" key!!

What are you grateful for?
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