Friday, July 1, 2011
Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...
* Bad things don't only happen in 3's
* Watching your loved ones when the are sick and suffering is horrible
* Someone is watching over me and my little family - renewing the car insurance just days before Woodi has a car crash, Woodi not being injured in that crash and not injuring anyone else!
* Whilst there is no good time for these types of things to happen, there are times that are far worse than others - that would be this week
* I have been very blessed with emotional support from my husband Woodi, my bestie MummyMax and my online community xoxo
* I'm loooking forward to a much better week
Bad week,
Things I Know
Things I Know - Brought to us by Yay for Home...
Moodi Mumma
Bad week|Things I Know|